
A collection of presentations I have created, given, or worked on.


GNU Presentation

Presentation for CPSC 2910: Ethics in Computing class at Clemson University. Discusses the purpose and benefits of free software and the GNU project with a focus on ethics.


Replay Attacks

The basics of how a replay attack works, common uses of a replay attack, and how to prevent a replay attack in your web application.


East Coast Hospital CTF

A walkthrough of some of the problems of East Coast Hospital CTF. This was a CTF created by Max Harley and orchestrated by the Clemson Cyber Security Club.


Information Gathering Foundations

Introduction to information gathering and auditing of machines and networks.


Using Burpsuite

Introduction to the HTTP protocol and web proxy tools such as Burpsuite.


Social Engineering

Common techniques and terms relating to social engineering as well as some of the theory behind it. Also goes over some helpful tools to launch your own attacks.


Host-Based Security